Monday, July 5, 2010

Hitchhiker at the KOA in Hardin, MT

Here's an older woman hitchhiking. She asked Tim and Izzy to carry her bags to the road. She's from Maine and who knows where she's heading. The funny thing is just up the highway at the I-90 ramp was an old man sitting in a chair with a shade umbrella hitchhiking to Billings. Could these two be related??? We will never know. By the way, she was picked up within a few minutes.

1 comment:

  1. This story is great it made me laugh. I hitchhiked back to my dorm from the cleveland airport my freshman year when my roommate forgot to pick me up. I didn't get to stick my finger out like this lady though I used a different technique, find the closest soccer mom in the crowd.

    Miss you & hope the rides going well :)

