Thursday, July 22, 2010

Viroqua to Madison, WI

Another century under our belt. The day started off foggy, so foggy that I couldn't see through my glasses. As the day went on the fog burned off and it grew hotter all the way to Madison. There wasn't much of a breeze in the morning and the afternoon brought us a gentle north crosswind. Good thing it wasn't too strong because I was tired enough as it was at the end of the ride.

We were on some back country roads that are a ribbon of black road through the corn fields. At one point there was brand new blacktop that was still soft. It felt like we were riding on flat tires.

Summer in Madison must mean road construction season. The roads we were to take are under construction and the cue sheet was a bit misleading so many of us were lost. I was with Mark and Mike and we finally asked a student for directions. We arrived at the University of Wisconsin and were elated to see that the rooms have A/C.

Su's husband Steve came for a visit and they graciously took me, Brad, Izzy and George to dinner. Thanks you so very much for the wonderful evening. After that we were dropped off at the dorm and I called it a night.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Jan

    I am finally on board, enjoying the ride with you. Keep it going!!

